Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good Examples from Student Papers

From Essay #2:

The key words often written on papers: give an example.
Too often students provide generalizations but not supporting detail or example.
Here is an excerpt from a paper in which a student supports his generalization with a detail.

Commercials should tell a story, like reading a book. They should hve an introduction, topic, body, and then an ending. If you start to get away from that, you don't have the viewer interested any more and they're probably ready to change the channel. The Super Bowl commercial with the man who buys a Dorito eating goat, then tries to get rid of the goat because it eats all of his Doritos is a good example of a commercial that tells a story.

From Classwork--writing a Comparison/Contrast Thesis Statement:

Most people today have hectic lives. With everyone being pressed for time, it can be difficult to sit down and watch the news. Therefore, most people pull up the news with their smart phones or tablets. Having online news websites, such as CNN and CBS, at such an easy access, are very convenient. But deciding which one to use can be a challenge. CNN is known for its appealing headlines and in-depth information. CBS is known for its concise, straight to the point, brief articles.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

So . . . Comparison/Contrast

I was not able to post very well last week, so you could not respond; now, we can both get back to work.

Our focus was on the comparison/contrast paper and, by now, you should have your topic. Copy the following on your own paper on a Ms. Word document and complete. By the way, whatever you are comparing or contrasting, you will need to be able to list on a works cited page. We'll talk about what a works cited page is, why it's important, where it goes, and what it lists,  this week. For now, copy and complete:

The Comparison/Contrast Paper

Topic: ______________________________________

The basis for comparison--that is, the features that both subjects have in common: (2-3)

Despite the similarities, these two subjects are different in terms of:

THESIS STATEMENT: (REMEMBER: DO NOT USE SIMPLISTIC TERMS SUCH AS "alike" AND "different" or "similarities" OR "differences") - Refer to the examples in the book and on previous blog posts.

***For every contrast or difference noted, there should be an example that comes directly from your subject.***

Make sure your paper follows a very tight, well structured organization

Looking Forward to Class!!

It has been a good while since I've looked forward so much to coming back to class! I hope to remain well the remainder of the semester and leave no class "hanging" as happened the past two weeks. I hope, with all sincerity, none of you are plagued with the various "bugs" that are visiting for the season.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

C/C Structure

 This is given to help you, not meant to be a blueprint. You are free to come up with your own comparisons and contrasts for your topic

Compare and contrast 2 articles on the same topic.
First establish the basis for comparison--perhaps you will discuss headlines, length, and point of view
Next, consider differences between the two magazines or newspapers on the topic
Two articles on the same topic both have headlines, are written to a length determined by the paper/website/magazine, and represent a particular point of view:
Headlines                  Length             Point of View                   
--#1                            -- #1                 -- #1
--#2                            -- #2                 --#2

Compare and contrast children's books on the same topic--one from the past, and one in the present; first, establish basis for comparison, then differences
Both books contain graphics, information and present characters, which involves race/gender/nationality
Graphics                  Accuracy of Information               Race/Gender/Nationality
--#1                            -- #1                                             -- #1
--#2                            -- #2                                              --#2

Compare and contrast local and world news broadcasts. First, establish basis for comparison; next, consider their differences:
Both newscasts contain: news, features, weather
News                                                      Features                                      Weather
--local news/                                        --local                                      --local
immediate surroundings              
--world: national/world                       -- world                                    --world


Comparison of two articles—websites, magazines, newspapers-- on the same topic

Basis of comparison--as seen above: --headlines--length--point of view

1st paragraph: gets readers’ attention; provide background necessary; and states the common features in both: headlines, length, point of view) and presents THESIS STATEMENT
Body of paper: contrast
Conclusion: conclusion
HOW to structure a comparison/contrast essay?

Headlines                                                       Article #1
--News Source #1                                          --headlines
--News Source #2                                          --length
                                                                       --point of view
--News Source #1              OR               Article #2
--News Source #2                                         --headlines
Point of View                                                --point of view
--News Source #1
--News Source #2

TOPIC: Children’s Books: Past and Present on the Subject of   ??

Graphics                                                               Book #1
--Bk 1                                                                  --graphics
--Bk 2                                                                 --accuracy of information
 Accuracy of Information       OR                 --race/gender/nationality
--Bk2                                                                 Book #2
Race/Gender/Nationality                                     --accuracy of information
--Bk 1                                                                --race/gender/nationality
--Bk 2

AN EXAMPLE--by the way--NO! You may not compare USA Today and Huffington Post, online since they are my working examples. You may use ONE of them and compare it to another online news source, but do not compare those two.

THESIS STATEMENT: Do NOT state the obvious; do NOT write that between the two elements you have similarities and differences. 

DO NOT WRITE: Most of my information comes from USA Today and Huffington Post, both found online; however, there are many similarities and differences between news articles in USA Today and Huffington Post.

Better:  Most of my information comes from USA Today and the Huffington Post, both found online. While USA Today often has the eye-catching headlines, Huffington Post’s articles seem to provide more in-depth reporting. Both USA Today and Huffington Post seem to present news articles in a fair, intelligent, and unbiased manner.

First section of the body of the paper will focus on: – USA TODAY
Recent headlines in UT have read: 2 (at least) examples – explain what those headlines illustrate—that UT has bold, provocative headlines.
On next section – UT – the length of most USA T. articles is relatively short; for example, in a recent issue ________ received only a few brief paragraphs of coverage;
UT is geared to people who have limited time to explore national news events.
UT’s journalists are educated, and present the new in an unbiased manner—give an example--or TWO

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Notes on C/C

FACT: Two elements that are compared and contrasted must FIRST have a
common basis for comparison
EXAMPLE: “Grant & Lee”
                Both were generals in the Civil War
                Both were shaped by their home place and upbringing
                Both looked forward to the end of the Civil War
If you choose the same  news article covered in two different magazines, newspapers or websites,
You will need to establish common ground (basis for comparison) between the two respective medias:
·         EXAMPLE: _________________________
                Both magazines do WHAT? (try to come up with at least 3 things in common, but that will not be identical)
·         If you choose to compare the local news broadcast to national news broadcast, first you must state what the broadcasts have in common, their common features—at least 3
·         If you choose to compare two children’s books on the same topic, what are the common elements of both?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 9 -

Welcome Back from Spring Break and to Daylight Savings Time.
(pause for collective moan)

Assignment for the 2nd day of class this week:

Read pages 371-379 - Comparison and Contrast Essay - we will discuss this in-depth on the second day of class this week; the next essay you write will be a comparison/contrast, and you will select from topics 1, 2 and 6 on page 432.

Read pages 393-396, "Grant and Lee: a Study in Contrasts" and be prepared to discuss the questions on Comprehension, Purpose and Audience, and Style and Structure on pages 396-397. You need NOT write the answers to these questions.

Also, consider the scuptures pictured in your book on pages 391 and 392, as well as the poem on 430-431.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Notes on Essay #2

Remember that this essay stands on its own merits, not as a substitute for the first essay.  Consequently, the grade for this essay may be higher or lower than the first essay. A paper must be truly exceptional or outstanding to receive an “A.” Even if all flaws in grammar and mechanics are corrected and the details developed, if the paper is simply very good, it will receive only a “B.” One that adequately provides a thesis and development, in correct standard English, but does not distinguish itself receives a “C.” Finally, a paper that lacks a thesis or complete development, strays from the topic, or is incoherent due to the number of flaws from grammatical or mechanical errors will receive a “D” or, in extreme cases, an “F.”

Examine your paper after it is returned; if you are confused about a comment on the paper or would like an explanation, please ask. I am happy to work with anyone willing to put in additional time and effort.

        Though only a letter grade is on the paper, please know it was evaluated according to the same grading scale as the first essay:

Thesis & Introduction = 20 pts.
MLA Format & Grammar/Mechanics = 30 pts.
Content/Development/Details = 25 pts.
Organization & Coherence = 25 pts.

By the way, the importance of  punctuation can be seen here: