Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Exemplification Essay Topics

Develop ONE of the following topic into a well written, well supported exemplification essay. The title should indicate the general subject of the essay. The first paragraph should get the reader's attention an nd move from that general idea to a specific thesis statement. The body of your paper should develop  two or three good examples or a single well-developed example (REQUIRED LENGTH: two pages, minimum in MLA format)

I very well may come back to refine these topics, but they will essentially remain the same. 

1. American love Super Bown Sunday. What elements other than football make this day popular and enjoyed by so many people?

2. Explain the positive or negative impact of online social networks.

3. America's favorite television programs are interrupted by commercials. Discuss those commercials that seem to be either the most memorable or the most annoying.

4. Many people treat their pets like children.

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