Thursday, March 14, 2013

Notes on C/C

FACT: Two elements that are compared and contrasted must FIRST have a
common basis for comparison
EXAMPLE: “Grant & Lee”
                Both were generals in the Civil War
                Both were shaped by their home place and upbringing
                Both looked forward to the end of the Civil War
If you choose the same  news article covered in two different magazines, newspapers or websites,
You will need to establish common ground (basis for comparison) between the two respective medias:
·         EXAMPLE: _________________________
                Both magazines do WHAT? (try to come up with at least 3 things in common, but that will not be identical)
·         If you choose to compare the local news broadcast to national news broadcast, first you must state what the broadcasts have in common, their common features—at least 3
·         If you choose to compare two children’s books on the same topic, what are the common elements of both?

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